

metastation | djedeye | lightcycles

prophets of jupiter

prophets of jupiter

m u s i c / e=mp3
321 contact
321 dacapo
corrective course
the sign
spaceships land
a tribal fire - a tribe of light

open your mind - alter your state - expand your consciousness
these ultra frequency maps offer inner vibrational direction
rhythms tones and grooves to soothe neuronal pathways
and balance hemispheric tension
in tai chi yin yang binary fashion
trending in a unified direction
toward a cosmic course correction
the sounds synced via synthesis
spontaneously played by a living being
are live transmissions from another planet
extra terrestrial - off grid - other worldly
another frequency another dimension
a parallel universe
in which - life is balance - love is law - light is language
harmony inhabits the hearts of the inhabitants
and there’s a resonance with all
on jupiter we live and play
in fertile sound fields
night and day

oxo, et

3 2 1 contact
hyperlingual superstructures

take a break have fun let go and listen in with good headphones eyes closed enjoy the trip - or crank it up and dance your heart out

metastation | djedeye | lightcycles