


path - any distance between one point and another - in space
traversed - in time
source - the one singularity to any point within that singularity
which is you - which is me

paths are many - the energy that motivates us to move upon them
is endlessly diverse - fission - multiplication by division
pathos reflecting the course of separation - and its effects

fusion is following the path
which collapses the space
between one point and another
by returning to a timeless state - unification

what is between us all - every eternally connected point - in space - is spirit - spirit is timeless
when the physical form is gone - the spirit lives on
nothing of true value is ever lost - tho in this temporal realm of time-space nothing lasts

we are source signals time travelers tele porting consciousness
from one point to another
building etheric bridges - tele path ways
forming neu alter-dimensional space - thru each arc of illumination


the primacy of direct experience - as people the real universe is within your reach - always - everything not within your reach is basically unconfirmed rumor


the neu earth era

nothing to do with
who has the most
who knows the most
the strongest whatever
the best at whatever

everything to do with
who gives all they have to life
who understands and directly applies true wisdom
the kindest soul you ever want to meet
a loving centered person of integrity at any given moment

all judgement suspended
with only a vibrational verification
when harmonizing all energies
for heaven on earth
heaven on earth
heaven on earth

the realizing person
realizes this
actualizes this
embodies this
here and now

keep your eyez on thepriZe.mp3


light as
3 2 1 contact
prophets of jupiter
hyperlingual superstructures