as a feather


l i g h t - as a feather

my father taught - spontaneity is discipline

no thinking - no plan - just feeling - freely


the child asks… where are you going

to find the eternal treasure

the gold

the goods

the wise answers… i’m going within

a time for inner work, intuition, internal guidance

nature never hurries, yet everything is accomplished - is the mantra

to faith, add understanding - is the secret of success

k'an / water / the abysmal represents the heart, the soul locked up within the body, the principle of light inclosed in the dark - that is, reason

thru repetition of danger we grow accustomed to it - water sets the example for the right conduct under such circumstances - it flows on and on and merely fills up all the places thru which it flows - it does not shrink from any dangerous spot nor from any plunge and nothing can make it loose its essential nature

thru hardness and selfishness the heart grows rigid - and this rigidity leads to separation from others - egotism and cupidity isolate people - therefore hearts must be shaken by a spiritual awe in the face of eternity - stirred with an intuition of the one creator of all living beings and united through the strong feeling of fellowship experienced in divine worship


at transition the heart is weighed - if it be light as a feather it passes into paradise, if it be heavy with covetousness jealousy mendacity resentment ingratitude greed hatred all thoughts and actions that do not generate harmony, coherence, balance, trust - in the final hour it must face that which makes balance / justice - face all monstrous behaviors which undermine health harmony and happiness, and atone - these little deaths experienced throughout life assist the purification process along the way

check points to check in with how we are doing - as the distractions are ever more prevalent and pervasive

found a hawk feather after harvesting in a farm field one summer day - a gift of light - years later returned it to the earth in an offering during a time of crisis - and after a while sensed it would return at some point in the future - a decade later, felt a very strong pull to go outside at an unusual moment, and within a few steps there it was - pristinely perched on the lush spring green grass - stared at it in awe and gratitude before picking it up and bringing it inside - a symbol of alignment - with the light

check points to check in with how we are doing - if we be - flying free - vibing high - feeling truly alive - no - matter - what


difficulties and obstructions throw the wise person back upon themself rather than casting blame on others or bewailing their fate - the wise seeks the error within and thru introspection the external obstacle becomes an occasion for inner enrichment and growth - this is the value of adversity

the inviolability of natural laws rests on the principle of movement along the line of least resistance - these laws are not forces external to things but represent the harmony of movement immanent in them - this is why celestial bodies do not deviate from their orbits and why all events in nature occur with fixed regularity

music has the power to ease tension within the heart and to loosen the grip of obscure emotions - the enthusiasm of the heart expresses itself involuntarily in a burst of song, in dance and rhythmic movement of the body - from immemorial times the inspiring effect of the invisible sound that moves all hearts and draws them together has mystified humanity

it falls to music to construct a bridge to the world of the unseen


3 2 1 contact
prophets of jupiter
hyperlingual superstructures