quarket 10.4

quark map mission launch station rate oscillate co create no more wait no more weight the words are changing the language is changing the time is changing and the change is changing the scale is spectacular micro macro standing still hello i am born hello im awake hello i am here hello its me looking back on an epoch of e-lucidating the probes came home with oceans of information the data is clean the projection is successful we've reached the inside out to action stations we are now geared for no offense no defence but INtense self REFERENCE the internalization of space the externalization of the higher arch hymnal vibrations per second spin like this drive that delivers the message looping the mantram spin particle pathways we seek and see in the dual dream as this heavenly host connecting the micro dots to dots to ashes to ashes to dust to dust ark and amen in a lightning flash of the thought behind the thought the thought behind the words before the words beyond the words and becoming thru the words a penetration into the silken roads of wholly wholly high ideas for identity for unity beam to being soul to source star to sun function to force . one crystal bell . simply sounding . its soul

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