select original mixed and meta media art works
select network centered art works
select photographic works
select studio shots
as serket sumati, 2002 - right now :
2007 - OM07 - le optix matrix
2006 - phantom serket / field reports from the heart of the earth / double-fine, the universe / escalating abstracts
2005 - codex05 - aperture synchrony / out in the open (so much so much / timeship 2005)
2004 - innamorata / zarg is / how to build a spaceship
2003 - insights from outskirts / radio saints / optix matrix v2003 / haploid prism (photogenatrix/matroni/serkulation)
2002 - axiserket / sumati / omshan / flameletters / solariOM / book of april (open sesame) / glitterX / helium / detour / book of magic / autaum / quarket 10.4 / the resplendent / all hallows eve / radar emittance / yuletides
as submonk, 1995 - 2001 :
2001 - agartha superluminal (studio / spunk / optix matrix v2001 / agent ascii / superluminal liquid crystal architect)
vedaphreak (kLoNECtionzZz issue 6 - what)
2000 - agarthian mantra (supergem, amorph, in the open, interior underground uprise - i was a teenage isp)
2000 - language of ba (gaspara monde, superOM tattva asa / techni-phi circuit song / offset carrier trilobyte)
akashik record player soothsayer (kLoNECtionzZz issue 5 - instant hit)
1999 - helix (MIMIC THE FIELD / playing creative in the meta-mor-phi-conditionz)
ultrabeehive (kLoNECtionzZz issue 3 - nector) / serial pseudonyms (kLoNECtionzZz issue 4 - tunnel)
1999 / 98 - the optix matrix v1999 / retinatek (renegade sonicionic retina-technologies) / remote port - robot eye (xploring the many veigns + networks of cells inside this plant kreature called "submonkey")
tamatee + ascii art (kLoNECtionzZz webzine issue 1 - klo) / phoot500 (kLoNECtionzZz issue 2 - klone)
1997 - submonk v1 / le submonk studio cirque - in the center you find yourself, and its infinite
1996 - mango sweetness dream (energy music joy one such loving creations nurturing humanity)
swaying babies (for all the children rocking on the waves + ripples of the forging new meterial
constructing a new fabric of reality, here is a congregational point)
fauz (web crux organisms - unstuck, activated link, web crux, interdimensional personas for peace)
1995 - zOllolly (the brim explains it all - terminal bliss, a story about cybertime + the rhythm of the universe)
s.j. titles (electric comix clips / the seekers of somelight issues 1-2-3)
printed matter / zines :
grand magick antennae (a book of change-is / internal facts modem) / puja-book / xusah / sj titles papier-vu
no strait linez publicationz / chronophile of 1 Om Teskooano
broadcast technician / network design, 1995 to the present :
the pure research network and the many sites that have come gone and sustained within its ark
live video mixtress matrixing for pure research, 1993-4eva! :
brain air (discipline of distraction, lRn2c, witness, ancient humanoid, essence, gaining access)
implant agents / holosync
concentric imprint / arkatron / radioactive isotope / vivemonopole
zarg awake / inert gases
UFO / the crystal dome
electro (000+001)
tensegrity (fire and light / control of dougs brain)
sov-core / truly spoken / conveyance
zspace / red elvises live from hell / boogaloo / scrollofthoth / temptation
redips bew / realite
future primes
mix99 (zero-g @ millennium xfer point) / hyperspacemachine1+2
vitarka - volumes 1 2 3 4 (session samplers)
imBio (immediate biologique production - part 1 + 2)
zoophase-zero (spacepod spectrums / kolmix)
lightning strikes the lab (hybrid - naked - brainwaves)
the inner reaches of outer space (living objects of the beta-phase velocity - pr lab xperimentations)