trimtab tele re porter orbit30 | 1st moon | xhibit # 93

1.7 06

field reports - this really is like an orbital travelog, feels like being home again - then its off to sea for more white whale tales, returning after months or years or ages...... while away you can jot down notes and use telepathy no prob, but the journey is the journey and if you're on the strait and narrow the objective is to eliminate distractions to the actual xperience while tuning your magnetics to spontaneously attract and connect the dots & xtract the elixir via organic spiritual guidance (ET mo-ship parallels in the cosmic sea) - cant put the story of the journey together until the end - and thats the only way to begin again - so know when to say when, as the route from Y to Z is open to loners only.... but once u get to the other side - u find a whole fleet of z2z's buzzing awake - offering an abundance that breathes its bounty into the entire matrix with the complete finesse of a finely tuned system fully in sync and highly inspired...................... in the first 7 days of 06 the next 7 years got stretched out before us - strat-tac focus and full-on reflective attunement mapping out the course in the most natural of ways... gen II effect must be literally translated - as it really will work for any one and every one - but only 1 thats for ALL One = really and truly grokking what it means experientially to be all crew no passengers... onboard the ark... where we are gently rolling along in this sea of stars - carried by a swift current of accelerating acceleration - half hover-craft, super-sonic - levitronic, our intact rudder gliding thru these tides with the exemplar grace of this Whale which moves to model the mode - the golden key code - we all must uphold........... smooth superbrain sailing sure is 1 glorious sensation...

will always come home with pearls for ISIS - in unlimited forMAATS in the orbital ecstasy of this present xchange...

oxo, quarket

"A large ship goes by, and then comes the rudder. On the edge of the rudder is a miniature rudder called a trimtab. Moving the trimtab builds a low pressure which turns the rudder that steers the gigantic ship with almost no effort. One individual can be a trimtab, making a major difference."

xhibit 92 ° 1st moon