conceptual orientation | orbit30 | 1st moon | xhibit # 92 |
concentric otherness and the implementation of innovation nonlinear: not depictable graphically as a straight line; not changing by a constant amount for each unit of time, distance, or other independent variable - opposite of {linear}... a property of a system whose output is not proportional to its input - for example, a {transistor} has a region of input voltages for which its output voltage is found by multiplying the input voltage by the gain of the transistor - outside this region though, the transistor behaves non-linearly, meaning that it does not obey this simple equation - the behaviour of a system containing non-linear components is thus harder to model and to predict circuit: the act of moving or revolving around, or as in a circle or orbit; a revolution; as, the periodical circuit of the earth round the sun... a communications path in a {circuit switching} network - a complete path through which an electric current can flow - the term is used loosely for any device or subsystem using electrical or electronic components - an {integrated circuit} (IC) contains components built on a Silicon {die}... in the circuit of heaven / on the vault of heaven - means the "arch of heaven," which seems to be bent over our heads xhibit 91 ° 1st moon | |